Shu-Fang Liu Hsiao-Ching Lee & Nai-Hwa Lien (2020),“ Do fast fashion consumers prefer foreign brands? The moderating roles of sensory perception and consumer personality on purchase intentions,” Asia Pacific Management Review
Liu, S. F., Liu, H. H., Chang, J. H., & Chou, H. N. (2019), “Analysis of a new visual marketing craze: The effect of LINE sticker features and user characteristics on download willingness and product purchase intention.,” Asia Pacific Management Review
Hsiao-Ching Lee, Shu-Fang Liu, Cheng, Y. C.(2018), “Positive or Negative? The Influence of Message Framing, Regulatory Focus, and Product Type,” International Journal of Communication【SSCI】
Shu-Fang Liu, Zhao-Hong Cheng (2022), “ Ethical or Utilitarian? The Antecedents of Attitude Ambivalence Regarding Online Meal Delivery Service During a Pandemic,” 2022 AMA Winter Academic Conference
Shu-Fang Liu(2017), “An Empirical Study on Purchase Intention of Second-Hand iPhone: A Second-Hand iPhone Would be Better,” International Conference on Social Science and Management
留淑芳,魏甄怡 (2017),“有機農產品消費行為研究,“2017管理創新與應用研討會
Shu-Fang Liu, Hanni Chou (2016), “The new marketing craze of visual marketing: The advertising effect of Line stickers on brand awareness, brand attitude, advertising attitude and purchase intention.,” July, 22-24, 2016.Osaka, Japan., International Conference on INTERNET STUDIES
Shu-Fang Liu, Hanni Chou (2016), “The new marketing craze of visual marketing: The advertising effect of Line stickers on brand awareness, brand attitude, advertising attitude and purchase intention.,” International Conference on Business and Management
Shu-Fang Liu, Chi-Fen Hsu(2015),“Inside the Game? The Influence of Advergames Engagement on Mental Simulation and Advertisement Effect of Mobile Advergames,” 2015 Annual Conference of China Marketing Science & Doctoral Consortium